

Ten ways to stop Presenteeism at work Sick leave has traditionally always been a concern for businesses but more recently presenteeism at work is increasingly an issue. It’s on the rise, and can cause a worrying loss of productivity for the employer, posing an overall...
Professional Therapies: What’s Covered?

Professional Therapies: What’s Covered?

While conventional medicine successfully fights infections, illnesses and harmful diseases, there are times when a prescription from the doctors doesn’t quite cure all of our aches or pains, this is where professional therapies can act as a suitable alternative. The...
Why Not Try Hypnotherapy This Stoptober?

Why Not Try Hypnotherapy This Stoptober?

We’re proud to be supporting Stoptober, a 28-day challenge by Public Health England (PHE) that runs throughout the month of October to encourage smokers to kick the habit. The whole idea behind Stoptober is that if you manage to stop smoking for a period of 28 days,...

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