Thousands of young people across the Black Country and beyond had the chance to learn more about their mental and physical health thanks to an online training session from Paycare Wellbeing.
Assistant Wellbeing Manager Sally Bromley led the session which was hosted by the Black Country Consortium. This was part of The Black Country Careers Hub and Careers and Enterprise Company’s My Future My Choices Transition Project which supports Year 11, 12 and 13 pupils with successful transitions. Their channel features regularly-updated content aimed at supporting career and educational outcomes for young people transitioning into the next stage of their lives.
More than 2,300 people viewed the live session and the video has remained online since, with almost 1,500 additional views to date.
Sally, who is a netball coach in her spare time, explains:
“I spend a lot of time coaching youngsters aged 15 to 19 so I’m acutely aware of how tough the last 18 months has been for them.
“Transitioning into Sixth Form, university or the world of work is a difficult time anyway, without the challenges of a global pandemic and multiple lockdowns.
“So, when the Black Country Consortium team asked me if I’d like to put together a session around physical and mental wellbeing, I was thrilled to be able to share some facts and research with schools from across the area – as well as some practical tips they could take away and really benefit from.”
Vicky O’Connor, the Consortium’s Senior Enterprise Co-ordinator, added:
“Sally created a fantastic presentation which covered both physical and mental health, and why they are both important; physical, mental health and wellbeing tips; food and nutrition information; self-care; and pathways to support.
“The session was really well received and will be invaluable to our young people’s physical and mental health in the coming months, as they move to their new destinations.”
The video can be viewed here or to find out more visit 🙌
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