The series is the brainchild of the wonderful ‘Women & Families Resource Centre’, a Wolverhampton-based charity which supports, provides services, develops programs, empowers, and advocates for women and children. The show aims to tackle a number of hard-hitting subjects including domestic violence, child abuse, and harmful cultural practices, in a bid to raise awareness amongst local communities, encourage survivors to seek help and support, and to promote action against such sensitive issues.
This first series is set to look at the harmful practices of female genital mutilation (FGM) and breast ironing through a number of informative and engaging presentations by selected panel members, and personal stories from victims themselves, before the floor is opened up to the audience for questions and comments.
We are immensely passionate about getting behind fantastic causes such as this, and are delighted to be supporting the amazing team that is bringing this together. The show is set to be both thought-provoking and truly inspirational, so do show your support and get involved by joining the big debate – taking place between 1pm and 4pm at the Mount Hotel on Saturday 18th February – by booking your place via Eventbrite or by calling 01902 219797.