Whether you celebrate the religious meaning of Easter, or simply see it as one of the few occasions when eating chocolate for breakfast is totally acceptable, there’s one thing I think we can all agree on – it’s a time for enjoying the first signs of Spring and spending quality time with friends, family and loved ones.
Here at Paycare we’ve been preparing to celebrate in a unique way, thanks to our recently appointed Non-Exec Director Sajida…
Sajida Carr, Director for Creative Black Country, first became a Non-Exec Director for Paycare back in September of last year, bringing with her a wealth of experience working across culture, heritage and the arts. Here she helps deliver and oversee creative programmes and believes in building strategic links with partner organisations across all sectors of business.
Through her work with the Annual South Asian Fun Fair, Sajida had a variety of creative items (big and small) left-over which needed storing until next year’s event.
Knowing that we have plenty of storage space here at Paycare, she asked if we would kindly house a large papier-mâché Wishing Tree – and, with us being keen to help support our local People, Policyholders and Community in any way we can, we of course said yes!
Having such a large and exciting delivery to the office got our staff talking, and soon a small group of enthusiastic volunteers was formed to help decorate the Wishing Tree to give our Chill Out area that extra special touch. And, with Spring now in full swing, and Easter just around the corner, it made perfect sense to decorate the tree to match the season.
The team have plans to update the decoration of the Wishing Tree to reflect each new season and so, not only does the Wishing Tree now have a temporary, loving home until this year’s Annual South Asian Fun Fair, but it brightens up our Chill Out area and more importantly, makes all of our employees, tenants and visitors smile!
We’d like to invite all of our People, Policyholders and Community friends to send us their Easter Wishes to be added to the tree, which our team hope will bring that little bit of added community spirit to the Paycare offices and help make this time of year even more special.
To send us your Easter Wish, please email enquiries@paycare.org or write to us at Paycare House, George Street, Wolverhampton, WV2 4DX. We’d love to hear from you!
So all that’s left to say is Happy Easter from all of the team here at Paycare. We hope you all have a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend and Easter break – full of fun, laughter and love!
And, don’t forget – it’s one of the only times that we’ll be encouraging the consumption of chocolate before 11am so, go on, make the most of it! 🍫😊