At Paycare, we’re proud to have been providing corporate Health Cash Plans since 1874, so we know a thing or two about how employers can improve the mental, physical and financial health of their staff, and in turn benefit the organisation as a whole.


That’s why we’ve produced a dedicated white paper, ‘Tackling Poor Health in the Workplace which focuses on how investing in a Health Cash Plan can positively enhance productivity, absence rates, presenteeism, and team morale too.


And it’s not just us saying it. We’ve pulled together research from a variety of public and private sector sources to showcase the very real benefits to a business of focusing on employee wellbeing in a holistic way.


Of course, there are wider benefits too like acting early to prevent rather than cure health issues such as poor eyesight, musculoskeletal disorders, and dental problems, and subsequently reducing GP waiting times and further strains on the NHS (which we LOVE and champion).


One of the common misunderstandings about Health Cash Plans is that the provider isn’t supporting the NHS. However, at Paycare, we work as a perfect dovetail between the NHS and Private Medical Insurance, providing our Policyholders with cover that is provided by both private services and the NHS, and contribute directly to the latter on behalf of our Policyholders.


You can download our white paper in full at the top of our home page,, but here just a few of the facts and figures from it to illustrate our point about the importance of focusing on employee health during 2019…


  • At least half of all sight loss is avoidable by ensuring regular eye tests (Royal National Institute of Blind People).
  • Stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 15.4 million days lost due to work-related ill health, and musculoskeletal disorders accounted for 6.6 million (Health and Safety Executive).
  • Of the fifth of people who’ve taken a day off work due to stress, 93 per cent of them lied about the real reason for their absence (MIND).
  • Around 3.5 million people benefit from a health cash plan, with more than a million of those being paid for by their employer (LaingBuisson).
  • The average employee took 4.1 sickness days in 2017 (ONS).


We’ve got lots more information about the different Cash Plans we offer, the services each type (whether employer or employee-paid) and level of plan provides, as well as how we work and what we’re all about. Of course, you can always give us a call on 01902 371000 or email to speak to a member of the friendly Paycare team.