Paycare Testimonial
DePe Gear
DePe Gear, manufacturers of precision-engineered gears, gearboxes and couplings, have switched from Voluntary to Company-paid Health Cash Plans (HCP) with Paycare.
The change means rather than individual employees opting to fund their own HCP via their employer, all team members will have a Paycare Policy paid for by the business itself! Manufacturing Director Shaun Hooper said he wanted to make the switch as a way to ‘encourage all of our employees to take advantage of the great scheme that Paycare has in place’.
He also feels the change will be beneficial for individuals, and the company as a whole.
“I feel it is important for us to protect and support our staff health and wellbeing, not only in the workplace but outside of it too. Strategically, I also see it as an advantage when looking for top talent in the future as a great way to promote how our business looks to support our workforce with healthcare costs.
“It allows us to further support our employees’ health and wellbeing. We feel also given the last couple of years and the global pandemic, the pressures put on all of us (not just physically but mentally too) have been difficult – so by having a HCP in place, this allows my team access to a range of support to deal with any issues.
“When I joined the business, we had Paycare in place as a voluntary provider – the feedback I had from those involved was that it was very good. Following a review with Stephen Burton-Pye (Corporate Account Manager) and a demonstration of the services, I was impressed by the ability for the company to put a scheme in place, and that employees could then enrol their partners if they wished or even increase their contributions.
“But most of all, I would say as I have a young daughter, the ability to have some support in place for her was also definitely a major selling point.
“If another organisation was undecided about implementing a HCP, I would say go for it. Although we are still in the implementation stage, it has been received very positively by the workforce.”
Companies looking to support their workforce can find out more about Paycare’s Health Cash Plans and much more within our Workplace Wellbeing brochure, available online at 💚
Browse our range of Company Paid Paycare Plans – the ultimate way to look after and reward your staff; give them Paycare as an employee benefit – they’ll love you for it 😀