But there’s much more to a cash plan than this and often there are plenty of aspects which many individuals simply aren’t aware of. Once you dig down deeper into the ins and outs of our plans, it’s clear that they have been designed to cover almost every aspect of your life in terms of physical and mental health.
In this post, we share details of some of the lesser-known benefits of our plans and how they can be used. If you have any questions about your current policy, you can contact the team on the number or email address provided below:
Keep it in the family | when you sign up, any dependent children you have under the age of 18 are covered and employees’ partners can also join with a discounted rate
Laser eye surgery | the basics such as eye tests, glasses, and contact lenses are included within our optical care benefit, but you can also use your optical benefit for corrective laser eye surgery and consultations for the same
Health screening | checks including wellman and wellwoman, mammography and heart disease screenings are covered within our plans if they’ve been carried out for preventative purposes by medically-qualified staff at a hospital or registered clinic
Wellbeing and alternative therapies | this is an optional extra on our policies and covers the cost of treatments by a registered and qualified practitioner who are on our list of approved professional organisations (a list of those we recognise is available on request, and you can see the full list here). Therapies covered include Reiki, Bowen Technique, Alexander Technique, allergy testing, Indian head massage and Hopi ear candle treatment
Inoculations and vaccinations | this is another optional extra which can be used to cover vaccinations, inoculations and any other charges such as prescription costs to prevent hepatitis A or B, rabies, influenza, typhoid fever, cholera, malaria, yellow fever and other illnesses
Personal accident cover | your policy includes Personal Accident Cover for accidental injury sustained within the UK. You must be under 70 years of age at the time of the accident. Bodily injuries covered are listed on the reverse of the Benefit Table
Special consultation and tests | this covers initial and follow-up appointments where checks have been recommended by a GP and includes procedures such as X-rays and blood tests which may be requested or carried out by the specialist. Room and equipment hire charges in relation to private consultations are also included
Employee assistance programme | this has been specially designed to support employers dealing with any issues faced by a team member such as stress, depression, anxiety, bereavement, legal issues, relationship issues and much more. It provides a completely confidential counselling hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and up to six face-to-face counselling sessions if required
Online health assessment | by answering a few lifestyle and personal questions, the assessment calculates BMI, waist to hip ratio, resting metabolic rate and reports on nutrition, exercise and mental wellbeing. Each area has a traffic light system and the user can be signposted towards a variety of online tools to help them improve their health and wellbeing (you can do this by simply registering or logging in to your online account)
If you’re a current policyholder, make sure you read through your policy documents and check which benefits you have available under your current plan. Or, if you’re not currently with Paycare but want to find out how you can join, please contact a member of the team on 01902 371000, email enquiries@paycare.org or complete our online form.