We’re delighted to announce that Anthony Burns, our Commercial Director, has been invited to become one of the founding members of the Black Country Think Tank – an innovative group set up to focus on key economic issues affecting businesses across the region and further afield.


Officially launched this month by the Black Country Chamber of Commerce, the Think Tank’s overarching mission is to help raise awareness of core economic concerns whilst also delivering positive thought leadership on behalf of Chamber members and the wider business community.


The group’s inaugural meeting held as part of the conference was an opportunity for the Think Tank committee to come together to share their experience and expertise, and discuss their main focus topics for the coming months.


Anthony said:


“It is an absolute honour to be invited to be a part of such an important forum and I’m hugely excited to be joining with other commercial leaders from across the Black Country to focus on the growth of businesses across the region. Our initial meeting highlighted just how motivated and passionate we all are, and we’ve collectively decided our core policy work for 2022 will focus on skills, transport issues and promoting the image of the Black County.

“As an organisation, Paycare strives to make a difference each and every day – not only to the businesses we directly work with, but the community as a whole, and joining the Think Tank is another way we can make sure we’re doing exactly that.”


If you’d like to discover more of the ways Paycare supports businesses, not only within the Black Country but further afield too, head to our Workplace Wellbeing Blog 😊


Think Tank Members - Group Photo

Anthony Burns – Paycare Commercial Director – Bottom Row, Second from the right.


Think Tank Members – Group Photo.
Black Country Chamber of Commerce Image.