According to the 2017 Willis Towers Watson Employee Benefits and Wellbeing Index, health cash plans are now ahead of life and health insurance in the popularity stakes, with 12% of employees placing the most value on them (compared with 11% for life and health insurance).

Workplace pensions still remain top of the charts with 32% of respondents naming them as their employee benefit of choice, but these latest figures are hugely positive for the industry and demonstrative of the fact that both employers and employees alike are recognising the very real value of looking after their health and wellbeing.

Unlike health insurance which provides treatment for unexpected, more expensive health issues, cash plans are designed to protect against everyday healthcare costs – and cover almost every aspect of an individual’s life in terms of physical and mental health.

Not only do health cash plans provide help towards the more common healthcare treatments, such as dental and optical, they also cover a wide range of benefits including:

·         Health screening

·         Wellbeing and alternative therapies (including hypnotherapy and reflexology)

·         Inoculations and vaccinations

·         Specialist consultations and tests

·         Employee Assistance Programmes

·         GP 24/7 Service

For more information on how a health cash plan could benefit you, please do get in touch with a member of our team on 01902 371000 or email