Hundreds of visitors are set to find out about prioritising their employees’ health and wellbeing at an upcoming event.
The Herefordshire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce Business Expo takes place on Thursday 9th March and is expected to be attended by more than 800 people from local businesses.
And we’re really looking forward to being one of the organisations exhibiting during the day!
Group Services Manager Stephen Burton-Pye said:
“Employee health and wellbeing is such a vital component of running a successful business – and we know from research and plenty of anecdotal evidence that well-looked-after team members are not only more loyal to their company, they’re also able to work more productively while having less time off and contributing to a better team morale.
“So, looking after their wellbeing makes sense not only on an individual level but also to ensure your company is thriving too.
“That’s why we’re looking forward to sharing tips and information with the visitors at the Business Expo, to help them think about how they can support their staff in cost-effective and high-value ways.
“Things are tough at the moment in the business world, we’re all very aware of that – financial pressure on individuals is being felt more than ever but letting employee health slide down the agenda isn’t something anyone can afford to do, because of the real knock-on effect it’s likely to have.
“Do come and chat to us if you’re there on the day, and there’s still time to get your tickets if you haven’t booked them yet!”
The Business Expo runs from 9am to 2.30pm on 9th March at the Three Counties Showground in Malvern. You can book to attend for free at 🧡